Vampire FaceLift ® and Vampire Facial ® in Montgomery, AL

Vampire FaceLift®

Vampire Face Lift Montgomery

If you feel your youthful appearance is fading, but are not quite ready to commit to traditional cosmetic surgery, we have a solution.

The Vampire Facelift® provides a safe, natural way to regain a more youthful look. The results are simply sensational.

Like many of the treatments performed in our office, this non-surgical procedure utilizes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to help restore a fuller shape, reduce wrinkles, improve the texture and glow of your skin, and even restore volume to the face after significant weight loss.

The use of PRP encourages the body to increase the amount of fat and collagen in cheeks, minimizing dark lines and deeper wrinkles. Volume can be added above the eye to help lighten the eye area, while treatment under the eye helps reduce dark circles.

Vampire Face Lift Results

Vampire VaceLift® Results

The Vampire Facelift® fits perfectly with our efforts to help combat the signs of aging with more natural processes. And, although there are impressive and immediate results, our patients are amazed at the full effect seen approximately three months after treatment.

*Pre- and Post-Procedure photos are strongly encouraged for comparison.

Vampire Face Lift

Skin Conditions Treated with Vampire FaceLift®

Some of the concerns we address:

  • Wrinkles
  • Drooping
  • Flat lips
  • Flat cheeks
  • Dark circles under the eye
  • Skin creases around the nose and mouth
  • Skin texture, especially rough skin under the eyes
  • Tired appearance

Vampire Facial® (Micro-needling)

Through an additional procedure called the Vampire Facial®, or micro-needling, we can utilize PRP in a more superficial way that helps lips regain color and fullness, improve the appearance of crepey skin, fine surface wrinkles, and swelling under eyes. We have also seen significant results in the treatment of large pores, uneven skin tone, and acne scars with this treatment.

As with the Vampire Facelift® patients usually see the greatest result approximately three months after the micro-needling session.

Book Your Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I choose a Vampire Facelift® over a surgical cosmetic face lift?

If you are simply looking for a more youthful glow and a firmer, smooth look to your face, the non-surgical Vampire Facelift® may be for you. Patients typically look 10 years younger after having the Vampire Facelift® procedure done. This procedure is not for those who need to remove deeply sagging skin, reshape the eyes, nose, or make lips significantly larger. If you decide you are looking to augment or change the structure of your face in ways the Vampire Facelift® does not accommodate, our staff will assist you in locating a highly recommended cosmetic surgeon.

Who can have a Vampire Facelift®?

Any adult, but the procedure is typically done in those 35 and older.

Who can perform the Vampire Facelift®?

Only members of the Vampire Facelift® Provider Group are licensed to perform this procedure. The certification process ensures training by the inventor and includes ideal PRP education, including techniques and technologies, as well as weekly collaboration with other members.

Dr. McWhorter is a member of the Cellular Medicine Association and received certification to perform the Vampire Facelift® after training with Dr. Charles Runels, inventor of the Vampire Breast Lift®. Dr. McWhorter has also had members of his staff participate in training events so they may better answer any questions you may have.

Is the procedure painful?

We use an excellent numbing cream to significantly minimize pain. The majority of patients experience no pain at all. A few have reported a slight burning sensation for a short time. If you are more sensitive to pain, feel free to take Tumeric or Tylenol a couple of hours before the procedure. Arnica is popular as well, before and after the procedure.

Will I need an escort the day of the procedure?

No. We do not use anesthesia, only use topical numbing creams. You will be alert and able to drive after the procedure.

When should I expect to see full results?

Patients should see full results of the procedure within 3 months, but patients do see and feel an immediate change.

How does the Vampire Facelift® Work?

The Vampire FaceLift® works by encouraging the healing process to create new supplies of collagen, fatty tissue and blood vessels for a firmer, more youthful appearance.

What should I expect on the day of my Vampire Facelift®?

An examination will determine where injections will be made to enhance appearance. Small removable marks may be made at this time.

Numbing cream will be applied to ensure an almost pain-free experience.

While the cream takes effect, a few tablespoons of blood will be drawn from the patient's arm and centrifuged to generate PRP for use.

An ultra-fine needle is used to inject the patient's own growth factors into the face at the predetermined locations.

Checking for symmetry completes the procedure.

Any discomfort should disappear in 1 to 3 days, and you can return to your social life immediately.

How long does the procedure take?

Once the PRP is prepared, the actual procedure only takes approximately 30 minutes. Your total appointment time will vary based on the combination of procedures from your program you're scheduled to receive that day.

How long does the Vampire Facelift® last?

We typically expect the effects of the Vampire Facelift® to last a year or more, though the time may be as short as 9 months. Patients who take steps to protect their skin generally have better results. A healthy lifestyle of exercise, getting plenty of sleep, avoiding tobacco use, avoiding makeup containing gluten and lead, etc. is recommended.

Will the procedure need to be repeated?

Yes. The procedure would need to be repeated after 12 to 18 months.

What are the side effects of the Vampire Facelift®?

Most patients only experience mild soreness and a tight feeling of the skin. This usually subsides in one or two days. Some patients have experienced tiny bruises that are easily covered with concealer. These will fade away in a few days.

What risks are involved?

The Vampire Facelift® has been performed thousands of times by qualified doctors. There have been no reports of serious complications. Using your own blood cells greatly reduces any risks of injection therapy.

What is the difference between the Vampire Facelift® and the Vampire Facial®?

The Vampire Facelift® is a deep tissue treatment done with fine needles; while the Vampire Facial® is a surface treatment that is often referred to as micro-needling.

Is the procedure covered by insurance?

This procedure is strictly cosmetic and is not covered by insurance.